Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Arguably (just by me) the best band indie-pop band to come out in the last decade, Annuals, release their first album in nearly 5 years.

Pick up their album "Time Stamp" on Bandcamp for a small fee of 8 bucks.
Of course, you can download it for free like every other music junky on the planet.
But be aware that the band went broke making this album.
How about we give them some money back for what they've given to us.
Just sayin', You will not be disappointed.

Feel Flows~

-Honey Thief

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Based out of Yellow Springs, Ohio, check out Wheels.
A band whose lush americana-folk sound has been creating ripples in all corners of the world.

The only difference between Wheels and your favorite band,
is that you haven't heard Wheels yet.
Jah feel?

All hail the folk revival.

Feel Flows~

-Honey Thief

Monday, April 8, 2013

Shouting Matches

Check out Justin Vernon's latest side project, Shouting Matches. While the album marks one of the few occasions Vernon sings in a lower-than expected register, you can count on this being a refreshing change. With the accompaniment of Brian Moen and Phil Cook, each track is structured with a wide array of influences somehow sharing a single heartbeat.

LIYL: Tom Petty

-Honey Thief

Friday, April 5, 2013

Olof Arnalds

LIYL: Max Richter and Sigur Ros

Sometimes the best music is the kind that floats above you..
The kind that you can't distinguish but you know still exists.
Alof Arnald's latest album, Sudden Elevation, is her most impressive work to date.

Drawing inspiration from her native Iceland; her melodies are expansive and bountiful while still remaining minimalistic.
I strongly recommend going to see her at any cost!

Feel Flows~

-Honey Thief

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dad Rocks!

LIYL: Akron/family, Owen, Bill Callahan, and Why

Drawing inspiration from the things immediately surrounding him,
Snævar Njáll Albertsson, writes about the relations closest to him.
Namely, his beautiful and creative daughter, who thought up the moniker Dad Rocks! (go figure)
His lyrics, are well-crafted and shed imagery with every new stanza.
'Nuff said.

The songs consists of twinkling pianos, bright acoustic finger plucking, and other various classical instruments that blend themselves into anthem-like arrangements.
Rendered into its own genre, consider Dad Rocks! as a brew of Indie-Folk music with a dash of Lo-Fi Pop

Practicing the sponge-approach, Dad Rocks! embodies anything it wants to.
Absorbing anything deemed creative to utilize and squeeze out all at once.
Which is actually fairly similar to what it's like to be a kid.
Never really knowing who you are, you helplessly scramble to try and figure it out.
You take pieces of everything as you get older.
Absorb anything that comes in contact with you.
Grab ahold of certain values and extremities but reject others.
Then, in a blended mess, you whisk them all together to form who you are.

Well that, in essence, is Dad Rocks!
It is the ability to uncover yourself over an elapsed period of time, through creativity and discovery.

Feel Flows~

"Mount Modern" is listed as a pay-what-you-want album on Bandcamp.
Any donations wold (obviously) be greatly appreciated by the band.

-Honey Thief

Friday, March 29, 2013


LIYL: Justice, and Overwerk

Lemaitre, has been on fire lately!
Heavy dub-dance tunes that bubble and burst in your ear drums.

<Say hello to your new secret party weapon>

Just shut up and listen.

Feel Flows~

-Honey Thief

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Coast Jumper

Hailing from upstate New York, Coast Jumper engulfs its listeners with reminiscent sounds of a washed-out beach boys harmony and new-school California indie-pop.

The album exudes a certain tension that suggests that I pick up and move to a different place.
All in one quick motion. This is not a bad thing.

Best consumed on your late-night drive home from the beach.
After you trudge your tired feet through the hot sand and into the parking lot.
After you brush away the final drops of your Bourbon into the dirt and start your ignition.

You're on your way home but you've got miles to go.
Squeeze the wheel and hypnotize yourself with the nearest tail light.
Learn the songs, sing the chorus.
Coast Jumper is here to keep you company.

Feel Flows~

*Pick up Coast Jumper's first album on Bandcamp for free!
Find a better deal than that, I dare you.
... Link listed below.

-Honey Thief

Saturday, March 16, 2013


LIYL: Flying Lotus, XXYXX

"Carving Away The Clay impresses upon the idea of an ongoing process in which raw material is stripped off of anything superfluous or impeding until the essential parts of ourselves are exposed. It is a never ending process of striving for perfection in all areas of life."

..Could I have said it any better?
Absolutely not.

I will add one thing though:

The songs flow in a serpentine motion in my head.
Dizzying, but in a sort of hypnotic way.

Best consumed with your eyes closed.
3 AM.

Feel Flows~

P.S- The synth solo in "Lonely Town" reminds me of what Rick Wright might've played back in the day.

-Honey Thief

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ben Caplan & The Casual Smokers

Ben Caplan's voice is the product of a smokers cough and a desire to be different. The album ranges anywhere from a crowded room to the sounds of a desolate hallway. 
Extensive and vast, Ben Caplan & The Casual Smokers sing rugged and romantic ballads about the peeling away of feeling and the wasted years spent in the wrong direction. But as each song comes to it's epic end, and as each instrument introduced in the beginning is re-infused in a blended mess of perfection, we find a sense of truth and understanding. Reminiscent of an early Tom Waits, Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers may just be the next BIG thing. 

Feel Flows~ 

-Honey Thief

Monday, February 11, 2013


LIYL: Citizen Cope, Frank Ocean, and Kid Cudi

-Honey Thief